Sam Green, President of AQUA-AID Solutions and Dr. Cale Bigelow, Professor, Purdue University introduces Excalibur™ the next generation, rapid response soil surfactant.
Moisture Management Solution
Next Generation • Potentiated • Research Backed
General Details
Excalibur™ is a new, proprietary, unique, high-performance coactive chemistry that features Potentiated Hydrophobe Technology – PHT Technology™. Excalibur is a great tank mix partner with your current agronomic program to target mitigation of varying environmental factors and place synergistic chemistries in the correct zone of the soil profile for maximum effectiveness. Targeting these zones within the soil profile makes excellent plant health achievable. 85 percent of plant weight is water. If a plant is not properly hydrated, plant health starts to decline. Excalibur can be placed in any agronomic program to allow the turf manager better water management control.
Excalibur is a next generation rapid response soil surfactant that delivers rapid infiltration and consistent dry-down. Excalibur helps achieve consistent hydration as well as superior rehydration. The unique infiltration-rehydration characteristics of Excalibur will provide unparalleled soil moisture responsiveness. When used as directed, Excalibur is safe to turf and can be applied at any time of the year to substantially improve turfgrass quality and resistance to stress. Excalibur is easy to apply through standard spray application equipment to all turfgrass areas.
- Enhances adsorption to hydrophobic particles provides consistent dry-down and soil hydration
- Radically increases the infiltration of water
- Potentiated chemistry sets a NEW standard for management of environmental stresses
- Provides resilient, high-quality, consistent turfgrass
- Effective at significantly lower use rates than competing products
Application Rates
Greens, Fairways, Tees, and Sports Turf
Apply an initial application of 4 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 2 gallons of water (13 L/ha in 800 L)
30 Day Intervals
Apply 3 – 4 ounces per 1000 ft² in 2 gallons of water (10 – 13 L/ha in 800 L)
15 Day Intervals
Apply 1.5 – 2 ounces per 1000 ft² in 2 gallons of water (5 – 6.5 L/ha in 800 L)
Apply 4 ounces per 1000 ft² in 2 gallons of water (13 L/ha in 800 L) at 7 day intervals until conditions resolve
Irrigate with sufficient water to deliver Excalibur to the soil profile – 1/8 inch (3 mm) or more recommended.
Excalibur Molecule
Next Generation • Potentiated • Research Backed
What is PHT Technology™
The Potentiated Hydrophobe Technology or PHT Technology™ is comprised of a molecule with a strong hydrophobic chain that permits a more powerful affinity to attach to soil particle surfaces allowing for supreme infiltration and longevity. PHT Technology allows for the water to wet quicker than any other product on the market, allowing for supreme infiltration.
Unique high-performance coactive formulation where two closely related molecules increase each others activity.
Excalibur Research
Assessment of Surfactant Infiltration Efficiency
Evaluation Time Frame:
June 2019
Excalibur and each of three (3) industry standard surfactants were evaluated at a concentration of 8000 ppm (1 fl oz/gal) and compared to a water only control. All test solutions were prepared in tap water and used within 4 hours of preparation.
Water repellent sand used in the testing was a fine textured sand collected from a pine forest. The level of water repellency was determined by applying a drop of tap water or surfactant solution on the surface of dry sand and measuring the time for infiltration. Measurements were made for a maximum of 3600s. These sands are at minimum “severely water repellent”.
1. A small petri dish was filled with water repellent sand to a depth of about 5-8 mm.
2. A drop of water or test solution was placed on the soil surface and time to infiltrate measured in seconds.
3. All measurements were made in triplicate (n=3). Results presented reflect the mean of the three replicates.
Excalibur outperformed each of the industry standard surfactants tested. While all surfactants positively influenced infiltration time (Figure 1), mean infiltration times for Excalibur was 6-8 times faster than any of the industry standard products. Excalibur is a highly effective product for delivery of water to a water repellent rootzone.