Sam Green, President of AQUA-AID Solutions and Dr. Cale Bigelow, Professor, Purdue University introduces Excalibur™ the next generation, rapid response soil surfactant.
Moisture Management Solution
Soil Penetrating Surfactant with Organic Acid Redistribution System
General Details
OARS PS, Soil Penetrating Surfactant, is a combination of the university researched, field proven, and patented organic acid redistribution system (OARS) with a multi-branched penetrant chemistry. OARS PS controls soil water repellency while providing uniform soil moisture for a longer period of time.
• Removes humic coatings from hydrophobic soil particles
• Controls soil water repellency
• Provides superior soil moisture uniformity
• Increased length of activity in soil
• Improves water management efficiency
• Increases penetration of water
• Provides firm, fast surfaces
• Money back guarantee
Application Rates
Golf, Lawns, and Sports Turf
Apply 4 to 5 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 2 gallons of water (13 to 16 L/ha in 800 L) at 30 day intervals or as needed. After an initial 5 ounce (16 L) application, difficult to manage areas will respond best by applying 2 to 2.5 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 2 gallons of water (6 to 8 L/ha in 800 L) at 15 day intervals or as needed.
For increased surface firmness, apply 6 to 8 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 2 gallons of water (20 to 25 L/ha in 800 L) at 30 day intervals or as needed.
Irrigate with sufficient water to deliver OARS PS to the soil profile – 1/8 inch (3 mm) or more recommended.