Treatment Soil Surfactant

General Details

Regardless of the management practices employed by professional turf managers, high play areas may exhibit symptoms of severe stress caused by water repellency (hydrophobicity) often called localized dry spots (LDS).

As a result of the water repellent conditions (particularly during high-temperature stress periods), areas of the soil profile may be unable to hold sufficient water to sustain plant demands. In this environment, turf plants may enter decline and eventually die if the root zone is not rendered capable of holding applied water.

To help turf recover from LDS, it is necessary to quickly establish a robust pattern of hydration in areas of the root zone that have become water repellent. Recover treatment soil surfactant can be part of the solution.

As a result of its unique pattern of hydration, Recover will significantly lower water repellency in soils where LDS exists.

• Improves water penetration into the soil profile
• Rapidly reduces water repellency
• Improves distribution and retention of applied water
• Promotes the recovery of turf under stress caused by hydrophobicity (LDS).
• Money back guarantee

Application Rates


Golf, Lawns, and Sports Turf
Apply 5 to 8 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 1 gallon of water (16 to 25 L/ha in 400 L) at 7 day intervals. Once turf conditions improve, apply 5 to 8 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 1 gallon of water (16 to 25 L/ha in 400 L) at 30 day intervals or as needed.

Topdress Applications
Following topdress applications, apply 5 to 8 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 1 gallon of water (16 to 25 L/ha in 400 L) at 15 day intervals or as needed.

Sod Installation
Immediately following sod installation, apply 5 to 8 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 2 gallons of water (16 to 25 L/ha in 800 L). Irrigate well to distribute throughout the root zone.

Irrigate after each application to remove the surfactant from the plant surfaces.


Golf, Lawns, and Sports Turf
Apply 2.5 to 3.5 pounds per 1,000 ft² (120 to 170 kg/ha) at 7 day intervals. Once turf conditions improve, apply 2.5 to 3.5 pounds per 1,000 ft² (120 to 170 kg/ha) at 30 day intervals or as needed.

Sod Installation
Immediately following sod installation, apply 3.5 pounds per 1,000 ft² (170 kg/ha).

Seed Application
Apply 3.5 pounds per 1,000 ft² (170 kg/ha) two weeks prior to seeding or overseeding.

Irrigation is necessary to release Recover from the carrier. Irrigate before next mowing or leave baskets off.




Looking for more information on Recover or want to try? Contact us HERE or reach out to one of our distributors. 

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