Acidifying Penetrant

General Details

Acidi-pHlow is a blend of soil wetting agents combined with a unique blend of acidifying agents designed to enhance the penetration and infiltration of applied water through irrigation systems with the added benefit of reducing the negative effects of high bicarbonate levels.

• Improves soil and irrigation water quality
• Increases water infiltration and penetration
• Lowers bicarbonates and sodium
• Increases soil moisture uniformity
• Improves chelation of unavailable nutrients
• Lowers pH resulting from poor water quality
• Improves drainage
• Aids in the reduction of disease pressure and turf stress
• Reduces run off and evaporation of fertility treatments
• Improves nutrient efficiency
• Softens seed coatings for improved germination
• Money back guarantee

Application Rates

Golf, Lawns, and Sports Turf

Apply 1 to 1.5 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 2 gallons of water (3 to 5 L/ha in 800 L) at 30 day intervals or as needed.

Irrigate with sufficient water to deliver Acidi-pHlow to the soil profile – 1/8 inch (3 mm) or more recommended.

Apply 2 quarts per acre (5 L/ha) one week prior to overseeding. Immediately follow overseeding with a second application at 2 quarts per acre (5 L/ha).

Irrigate after each application to remove the surfactant from the plant surfaces.

Injection Application

1 gallon per 50,000 gallons (1 L per 50,000 L) of irrigation, as a guideline depending upon water quality, irrigation usage, and weather/rainfall conditions.



Looking for more information on Acidi-pHlow or want to try? Contact us HERE or reach out to one of our distributors. 

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